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Improvements to Make to
Help Sell Your Home

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When you’re selling your home, you are competing against every other home in your area. Even if the house is in great shape and you’ve worked hard to maintain its appearance, you need to do more to compete against other comparable properties. In our current buyers’ market, where many nice houses in the right price range are available, you must make your home stand out if you want to sell it fast for the most money.

Improve Your Home’s Appearance

People may buy homes for function, but the curb appeal and the internal appearance of your house grab their attention. When you first start preparations to sell your home, you must clean, declutter, and paint to improve its appearance. If you live in a development where there are five similar homes for sale, what would make yours stand out? What color should you use? Common real estate wisdom says “go neutral,” but designer-inspired deep tones can add flare.

Make Improvements that Return Your Investment

Appearances aside, certain types of improvements impress buyers and make them willing to pay more. The recent remodeling study 2010-2011 Home Remodeling Cost vs. Value Report by Remodeling Magazine ranks the rate of return at sale for various improvements. As you plan repairs and improvements to help your chances of selling your home, consider window and siding replacements, minor kitchen or bathroom remodels, deck additions, and entry door replacements with steel doors. All of this improvements recouped well over 70% of the owner’s investment in the sale price, in all markets.

Add Eye-Catching Upgrades

A buyer may go for a nice, solid house that is pleasing to the eye and has desired improvements, but the special features of the house may make the difference. If your budget and timing allow before you have to sell your home, make those upgrades that buyers love. Your exquisite master suite addition, upscale gourmet kitchen, or spa-quality bathroom upgrade may not be reflected in your sales price, but can wow a buyer. To the right person, the features of your home can be enormous benefits that lead to an offer.

Sell Your Home

Take the time to make your home a beautiful package of form and function. Enhanced by cost-effective pre-sale improvements, you’ll be bound to come out ahead.

If you are having trouble selling your home, call us today at (877) 804-5252 or contact us to get an offer in hours from Express Homebuyers.

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