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Loan Modification: Help for Your Home, Hurt for Your Credit Score.

If you are in trouble with your mortgage payment, you may be applauding recent government programs to help you negotiate a loan modification. You may have already been helped through Making Home Affordable or through a similar program at your bank. Now with recent program changes that encourage principle reduction and offer help making payments when you are unemployed, you may feel assured that you will make it through a tough time with your home intact.

Need to Sell Your Home? Spring into Action!

Spring has traditionally been a hot time for real estate sales. This year, due to the buyer’s tax credit, sales were expected to be higher than normal throughout the winter.  However, Mother Nature interfered with the President’s plan, and instead of touring around...

New Home Buyer Credit Help Will Bring You Short Sale Buyers

If you are trying to sell your home at short sale, the extended, expanded home buyer tax credit could be your best friend. Short sales are ideally a great way to help you prevent foreclosure.  They offer you the chance to have a little more say in the selling of your...

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