Downsizing one's home is a significant milestone, often marked by a complex tapestry of emotions and decisions. Whether it's the transition towards...
Home Improvement
Finding Electrical Wiring Hazards & Fixing Them In Your Home
If you hear buzzing when you switch a light on, or your outlets are hot to the touch, your home likely has some electrical wiring issues. Faulty...
Asbestos in Your Home: How To Identify, Test and Remove
If your home was built before 1980, it may have asbestos in it. But don’t panic, this is quite common and you’re likely safe. Homebuilders in the...
Foundation Cracks – When to Repair and When to Sell
If you’ve found your home has a cracked foundation, you’re likely wondering how bad it is and how much it will cost to fix it. The good news is that...
What is a zombie property?
A zombie property is a property abandoned by its owner after receiving a notice of default from their lender. It is called a zombie property,...
Top 5 Home Repairs Before Selling [INFOGRAPHIC]
If you want to do home repairs before selling your home, you'll need to choose which projects you need to do and which ones are most cost effective....
Should You Paint Walls White Before Selling Your House?
You’ve heard a lot about the trend in the DC metro area of painting walls gray when you want to sell your house fast. It’s a color that provides you...
Bathroom Renovations That will Help Sell Your House Fast.
Everyone knows kitchens can sell your house fast. However, bathrooms are a very close second, especially a master bathroom. As a matter of fact,...
Winter Cleaning To Ward Off Cabin Fever – Express Homebuyers
Everyone talks about spring cleaning, but perhaps it makes even more sense to focus on New Year cleaning. The weather hasn’t been too wintery cold...
How to Master Your Master Bedroom – Express Homebuyers
Here’s How to Master Your Master BedroomYou want your master bedroom to be your ultimate safe haven and retreat, providing you with extreme comfort....